4 Pillars of Products

In Wealth Wolves, we pledge our suppot to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #3, #4, and #8.

UN SDG Goal #8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
12 Targets. 80 Events. 48 Publications. 1913 Actions.

UN SDG Goal #3:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
13 Targets. 34 Events. 47 Publications. 1285 Actions.

UN SDG Goal #4:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
10 Targets. 41 Events. 11 Publications. 1813 Actions.
Hi, We’re Wealth Wolves
Wealth Wolves: A Modern Marketing Agency Empowering Success
Founded amidst the transformative period of 2020, Wealth Wolves began its journey as a beacon for speakers and trainers, organizing impactful events and workshops to showcase their expertise. Amidst global challenges, our agency evolved, embracing a modern marketing approach that now proudly serves a diverse clientele across Malaysia and the UK.
At Wealth Wolves, our philosophy is simple yet profound: your victory is ours. We believe that marketing is not just about promotion; it’s about creating a symbiotic success story with our clients. This belief is deeply rooted in the vision of our co-founders, Ms. Karol Ngu and Mr. Leong Seng Tat, who see wealth not merely in financial terms but as a holistic measure encompassing health, character, and knowledge.
As a dynamic and lean startup, continuous learning is our cornerstone. This principle guided us to initially serve speakers and trainers, helping to market their programs, attract attendees to their events, and share in the success of converted sales. Our approach is akin to the philosophy of growing good corn; success in one field nurtures success in all surrounding fields. We uphold the conviction that the prosperity of our clients contributes to a larger ecosystem of mutual benefit and shared wealth.
Wolves, our namesake, symbolize our team spirit and organizational ethos. Misunderstood yet remarkably intelligent and cooperative, wolves thrive by acting collectively, embodying the strength of community and shared purpose. At Wealth Wolves, we embrace this spirit, believing that creating wealth is a collective endeavor, where families, stakeholders, and communities unite in a shared vision of success.
Join us at Wealth Wolves, where together, we grow, succeed, and redefine wealth beyond boundaries.